I see parents as experts on their own children. Parents do want the best for their children and have a ‘sixth sense’ in feeling there is something going on with their child.
Are you worrying about the development of your child? Do you feel there is ‘something different’ with your child and do you want to be heard? I can help you get clearer with what is happening. Together we work on how to cope with the difficulties you are experiencing in your family or with your child.
Do you see that your child is not developing as expected? This could be from birth or you may be starting to notice differences in development (physical, cognitive, social or emotional) at a later moment. For example when your child has just started school. I can help you to see if their development is different from their peers. And how to help your child to develop at his own pace, as well as how to cope with this as a parent.
Development delays and topics may present:
- Is there any dis-balance in the development of your child?
- What can you expect from your child?
- How can you support your child, without asking too much or too less of your child?
Developmental difficulties and topics may present:
- Your child is easily upset, scared, angry
- Your child has a low self-esteem/self-confidence
- Your child is aggressive towards others
- Your child has difficulties to concentrate
Together we work on understanding and giving support to your child.
Maybe your child has been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD or a mental health problem and you want to know what this diagnosis means for your child and for your family. I can give you more information about the diagnosis and we look at the specific needs of your child. My approach is customised for your family.
Self-care is often an important topic in our conversations. I can also work with siblings to support the whole family in getting a better understanding of the needs of your child with special needs.
I also partner with schools or hospitals to support you, or we can prepare important conversations with doctors or other professionals.