As parents, you are in the middle of development. Your child is growing up and you have to follow and offer appropriate support. In order to let your child become a stable and safe young adult.

As parents, you’re also developing your own skills and strengths to cope with the needs of your children. Sometimes parenting is not that easy, you expected something different from yourself as a parent, from your partner or from your child. There are difficulties in communication and sometimes even conflicts. Or there are individual difficulties within yourself or your child.

Sometimes the development of a child is delayed or is with more challenges. You as parents have to adapt and search for the best approach to help your child grow up as independent as possible. For all questions about parenting, you can come to me.

I can help you develop your parenting skills to meet your child’s needs. So, your child can develop too, in his own way and at his own pace. I help you see what your child needs in the specific phases of his/her life are and how you as a parent can support your child during this phase.

The Infant Phase
, this phase is all about connection and attachment between the child and his carers.
Common issues presented include:

  • Prematurely born children, how to connect with your child when your baby needs medical care
  • Babies who cry a lot
  • A difficult childbirth
  • Parents who are insecure about their own skills

The Toddler Phase
, the transition from being 100% independent of their parents to noticing they have control over themselves and their surroundings. Common issues presented include:

  • Sleeping problems
  • Eating problems
  • Aggression, biting and hitting
  • Trusting your child, let them make their own (small) mistakes
  • Dealing with temper tantrums
  • Dangerous exploring, searching for boundaries

The Preschool years
, exploring and taking initiative. A start of their own self-confidence
Common issues presented include:

  • Unrealistic idea's
  • Continued failure of their 'big' plans
  • Finding a balance between letting your child explore and give them some insights into reality
  • Help your child when it failed and start over again

The School Years
, noticing others, what do others need and like and how to blend in. Self-confidence
Common issues presented include:

  • Self-confidence
  • Prestige and possible fear of failure
  • Social skills
  • Emotional skills
  • Exploring their own competence, skills (intellectual, physical and social)
  • Bullying

The Puberty Phase
, physical and psychological change, transition from child to adult. Development of own identity.
Common issues presented include:

  • Growing towards independence
  • Developing their own identity (questions about: Who am I? Who do I want to be? How do others see me?)
  • Emotional instability
  • Development of the quality faithfulness, towards others but also towards themselves and their own goals in life.