We all have certain expectations about being a parent. But reality doesn't always meet our expectations.
My idea is that every parent tries their very best to raise their children safely and towards stable and independent adults. Sometimes this could be difficult because of the many factors that could come into your and your children's lives.

Some challenges you may be experiencing include

  • One of your children has difficulties and you don't know how to deal with this.
  • You and your partner aren't on the same page with respect to your approaches to raising your children. For example, different cultural or social backgrounds or contrasting values in life or you are a blended family.
  • As parents, you have some difficulties yourself which makes the interaction with your children sometimes complicated.
  • Your children are in constant conflict with each other.
  • Your parents or parents-in-law are too much involved in your family and take over how you raise your children.

I can help you to work on getting a more positive atmosphere at home by working with you and possibly other important people close to your family. By reflecting on your personal communication style. I help you gathering insights into your family dynamics and to refocus on your own values.